A Lockdown Day in the Life of
the Birthday Girl… Katy!
Behind the scene of the Birthday Queen. I’ll tell you by photos as I can’t remember what I did yesterday!
QUEEN OF THE SELFIE! I am so well known to insist on a photo being taken at every eventuality… but, it’s my memory. If there isn’t a photo of it, then it didn’t happen as I won’t remember it anyway. I even look at ones from last week and think oh YES! That was a lovely day. It just reminds you of the fun you have even if you ruin the fun by insisting on taking a photo! I LOVE selfies BUT I’m always the one at the front taking it!

HOW OLD? The best thing about being my age – I can’t remember how old I am! I thought I was already 52… turns out I’m not 52 til tomorrow!! So I’m looking on this year as a BONUS year. An extra year that has been gifted to me and will be extra special. Here’s hoping.
WHAT’S ON MY LIST?… a pair of +2 glasses. I’m now becoming extremely short sighted. Or is it long sighted I can never remember. The one where you can’t focus on close up stuff? Anyway, it’s brilliant because you never see any lines or wrinkles on your own face because they are either masked by glasses or you can’t see them when you take them off. It’s only when you see photos of yourself or see yourself in HD on TV… why was that ever invented? Why spoil a good thing?
DAILY EXERCISE? was all well and good until I herniated a disc. My daily exercise was exchanged for daily doses of DRUGS and the dog having to be walked by other family members. Gone were the bunny hops with Joe Wicks and I was a very unhappy bunny indeed. Sciatic pain is very unpleasant and 3 months of it is no joke but I’ve finally got a date next week to have a squirt of steroid injected so fingers crossed! I will be back on the horse so to speak in no time.

Best Binge Watch – choose a rainy Sunday… “Afterlife“. Amazing. Sad. Must watch *****
Absolutely loved the one where the two Northern Irish teenagers shagged all the time – really amazing, awkward to watch with teens in the house but amazing acting! Cant’ remember the name – Normal Lives I think!
Quite liked “Little Fires Everywhere”. Weird, but very watchable.
CURRENTLY WATCHING “The Fall”… Jamie Dornan is very easy on the eye but I just can’t warm to a serial killer… thought it was finally over when low and behold there’s another series that I didn’t know about! AAAGGGHHH more freaked out sleepless nights to come. The problem with it, is that the acting is SO good (apart from something dreadful has happened to Stella’s voice) the whole thing is so watchable although I tend to watch it through my fingers or with my laptop on my knee balancing the accounts at the same time!

BEST LOCKDOWN PURCHASE by far has been our HOT TUB… it was a bargain purchase from eBay – seller said the hole in it was only apparent when it wasn’t full of water otherwise, it works fine… hilarious buying a hot tub with a hole but he was right! It works, it’s been used a lot, it’s probably costing us a small fortune to heat… (I’m bathing in blind ignorance) wallowing in chlorine!

TEENAGERS! Having a student loan that isn’t being spent on going out and travel, results in Amazon delivering EVERYDAY. Literally not a day goes by without a knock on the door by poor Brian our postie. But you know what they say… a parcel a day keeps the doctor away!

BLUETOOTH toothbrush! You couldn’t make it up! In my day, if your teeth were blue it was because you’d had to use one of those tablets to check where you’d missed cleaning. If you walk past our house on a night, the buzzing is not what you think! We’ve all switched to electric toothbrushes. But only the one with the student loan has the all singing all dancing one. Bluetooth, timer, lights, music… Jealous, me?
BEST ADVICE EVER! Don’t put the light on in the bathroom! When you wake up and look in the bathroom mirror – don’t have a great bright light over your head… instead dim them or better still don’t put them on and providing you get up in daylight, just have the sun streaming through the window giving lovely ambient hues! I even get dressed in dim light – honestly, it makes EVERYTHING look better. I look amazing for my age! That’s because I’ve never really seen myself properly for years!

DRUGS – obviously I have a zero tolerance to recreational drugs especially where my children are concerned, however I have discovered being on a cocktail of painkillers and nerve agents or whatever the terminology is for the prescriptive drugs I am on! At last, the pain is more tolerant and I can get away with anything! Hysterical laughter for no apparent reason. My phone is FULL of selfies I don’t remember taking. Mix that with espresso martinis or GIN! Life is great!
HRT PATCHES have been the saviour of my marriage. I had a moment this week when I hadn’t been wearing one for a while – probably in the HOT TUB! But suddenly I was talking in tongues mixed with hysterical hypotheses – then went on to have a massive row with the surprised hubby who remained silent throughout! Then I cried because No.1 son left for Uni… (probably would have cried anyway), then proceeded to cry at EVERYTHING for the rest of the day until I realised what was missing was a little patch of HRT that brings calm and normality to life. AAAARGH… BISTO – they should so bring out a range!
Daily Zooming has been mostly from the comfort of my sofa, lying down to ease the sciatica! However, my Zoom preparations have gone from racing round the house looking for more eyeliner and lippy and being in the Zoom host’s waiting room for half an hour before just to make sure I got the right link and testing the signal etc. to being lucky if I remember to join on the right day at the right time and even more lucky if I’m dressed appropriately! I’ve become a bit lazy as I soon realised all people are focussed on is the bookshelf behind, the wallpaper or the photos, the lampshades or the colour of the wall – literally they don’t even look at you!

Switch to paperless banking
Become a Kardashian
Watch Season 3 of The Fall
Eat Less Chocolate
Remember to order my prescriptions!
Keep taking the pills!
Be as popular as my daughter
Be as beguiling as my son
Be more thankful for the little things
(especially for my +2 glasses so I can read the little things! )
Who knows what mysteries this year will bring…